Following the determination of the Court of Appeal in Civil Appeal No. 656 of 2022 The National Social Security Fund Board of Trustees v Kenya Tea Growers Association & Another, renewed efforts has been stepped up in implementing the NSSF Act notably in respect to the following regulations which has prompted activity from other regulators including the Retirement Benefit Authority;
The Fund has developed various regulations for effective delivery of its mandate as per the parnt Act. They include inter alia;
The National Social Security Fund (Member Contributions) Regulations, 2014
The National Social Security Fund (Mandatory Registration) Regulations, 2014
The National Social Security Fund (Contracting out by Employers) Regulations, 2014
What it means for the employers and employees
The move by the NSSF to fully implement the contribution as per the 3rd schedule of the NSSF Act No 45 of 2013 will have financial impact on both the employer and employee. The matching requirement when it comes to the mandatory contributions will impact on the employer’s business and increase in expenses. The same shall have corresponding effect on the side of the employee who will see a drastic decrease in the amount payable after all the deductions.
Businesses may be affected considering the increased contribution that employers will have to foot. This will have an impact on the number of employees that an employer may take considering the expenses. In essence, the country may be glaring at a looming retrenchment from various undertakings unless the government is able to reach an amicable solution with the employers.
Conversely, the move as fronted, is seen as one aiming to institutionalize the culture of saving and give the government avenue to get funds and also guarantee retired employees of access to better perks.